How To Stop Static Electricity In Cats?

Have you ever noticed that your cat’s fur seems to be full of static electricity? Are you wondering how to stop static electricity in cats? Don’t worry! From this article, you will learn about the reasons behind cats being full of static electricity. Then, you’ll learn if it hurts your cats. And, how you can look for the symptoms of static electricity shocks. Finally, we will discuss ways to stop it. 

What is Static Electricity?

What is Static Electricity?

Static electricity is a type of electrical charge that builds up on objects by rubbing against one another. It is especially noticeable in cats because of their fur. Although you might not always be aware of it, your cat often encounters static. They may get nervous and anxious as a result because they are never sure when a shock may occur. Besides, static can cause your cat to become uncomfortable.  We love to pet and groom our cats. Which is one of the many activities that might generate static electricity.

What Causes Cats to Have Static Electricity?

What Causes Cats to Have Static Electricity?

The following are a few causes of static in your cat:

1. Poor Grooming of your cat: Static electricity can occur in cats with matted fur or long hair. If it’s not combed and trimmed regularly.

2. Lack of moisture: Static can develop on cats in homes with low humidity levels.

3. Dry Air: Heating and cooling systems can lower the humidity in the air. Which can lead to a buildup of static electricity in cats.

4. Use of Synthetic Textiles: Synthetic fabrics like polyester and nylon are used in clothing and bedding. But these can build up static electricity on cats.

5. Carpeting: Carpeting can also make cats develop static electricity.

Additionally, cats seldom experience an electric shock. But unlike adult cats, kittens and young cats frequently experience it after chewing on electric lines. Faulty wiring, downed transmission lines, tripped electrical circuits, and very occasionally, lightning strikes during thunderstorms outside are additional potential dangers.

Does Static Electricity Hurt Cats?

Does Static Electricity Hurt Cats?

Very little shocks could only produce a little discomfort. Like when we feel static build-up. But very strong electrical currents can result in serious burns. Because they heat up the tissues as they pass through them. Often, it takes a few days for the affected tissue to die. But it creates ulcers before the entire degree of damage becomes obvious. These can get quickly infected.

Moreover, if they are in the mouth. Then, they may cause oral discomfort, excessive drooling, or an unpleasant odor. Also, an electric shock can harm the lungs. Causing them to swell with fluid and making it harder for your cat to breathe. This potentially fatal disease is known as pulmonary edema. And, this might begin immediately or take up to two days to develop.

Also, internal damage to the brain, heart, lungs and digestive system can result from severe shocks. Besides, static can trigger an abnormal heart rhythm. Which might lead to your cat collapsing or possibly going into cardiac arrest (it is when the heart stops beating). In the worst instance, there might be permanent brain damage, coma, or even sudden death.

What Are the Symptoms of Static Electricity Shock in Cats?

What Are the Symptoms of Static Electricity Shock in Cats?

If you suddenly saw your cat jump. Then, chances are that it had just received a static shock. There might be charring, more burn scars, or a burnt hair odor. Alternately, mild cases could not show up for a day or two. The symptoms may include –

  • Burn signs
  • Bad breath
  • Increased drooling
  • Irritation at the place of touch (mouth pain, lameness, etc.)
  • Difficulty eating
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Coughing
  • Seizures
  • Sleepiness

So, if you see any of the symptoms mentioned above. Then, take your cat to see a vet right away.

How to Stop Static Electricity Shocks in Cats?

How to Stop Static Electricity Shocks in Cats?

There are several steps you can take to stop static on your cat:

Reduce Static in the Home: You can reduce static electricity in the home by using humidifiers to add moisture to the air. This will help to reduce the amount of static build-up on your cat’s fur.

Bathing Your Cat with Anti-Static Shampoo: This will help to reduce static build-up on the fur. Look for a shampoo for cats that is formulated to reduce static. Our recommended shampoo is Vet’s Best Waterless Cat Bath. As it’s made with natural plant-based ingredients to moisturize your cat’s skin and coat. While saving them from static electricity.

Groom Your Cat: Regular grooming helps to keep the fur clean and free of debris. Which can help to reduce static. Use a comb or brush designed for cats and make sure to brush in the direction of the fur’s natural growth.

Use a Moisturizing Conditioner: After bathing your cat, you can use a moisturizing conditioner to help reduce static. Our recommendation is Pet Silk Moisturizing Conditioner. It will nourish your cat’s coat while reducing static electricity.

Use a Humidifier: As mentioned above, using a humidifier can help reduce static build-up on your cat’s fur.

Use a Static-Dissipating Spray: There are several static-dissipating sprays available that are specifically designed for cats. We recommend Oatmeal Conditioning Spray. As these sprays can help to reduce static build-up on the fur while also working as a moisturizer.

Use a Static-Dissipating Brush: There are several static-dissipating brushes available that are specifically designed for cats. We recommend Aumuca Cat Brush. Because these brushes help to reduce static build-up on the fur.

Use a Static-Dissipating Comb: There are several combs available that are specifically designed for cats. We recommend Detangling Pet Comb. As these combs help to reduce static build-up on the fur.

Final Thoughts

Static electricity in cats can be caused by poor grooming, lack of moisture, dry air, synthetic textiles, and carpeting. While it may not cause significant harm. It can still be a source of discomfort for your feline friend. Symptoms of static electricity shocks in cats can include burns, bad breath, increased drooling, difficulty eating and breathing, coughing, seizures, and sleepiness. If you notice any of these symptoms. Then, it’s best to take your cat to see a vet right away.

And, to prevent static electricity shocks in cats, try to keep the air in your home humid, avoid synthetic textiles, groom your cat regularly, and consider using anti-static sprays. Remember, taking care of your cat’s comfort is an important part of being a responsible pet owner. So, don’t hesitate to implement what you learned here to stop static electricity in your cats.

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